From Kireedam to Thandavam, at various point of time, you have rendered your unequivocal support for my growth and victories. I would like to thank you for the same. As of now in the production of Mr Chandraprakash Jain, I am writing and directing a film yet to be titled, starring Illayathalapathy Vijay and Amala Paul.
The first schedule of the film started in Mumbai and went on for 30 days. The second schedule is to begin this month. The shoot is to commence with Vijay, Amala Paul, Sathyaraj, Ponvannan and more than 1,000 junior artists in the sets were under the command of art director Nagaraj, and more than 500 carpenters worked day and night to recreate Mahim area of Mumbai.
I will be briefing all the news about this film to you all. I would like to request you to kindly not to publish all the news, which you may hear about this film but publish them only after confirming it with me. I would like to humbly bring to your notice that as this is a mega budget movie, where any wrong news or news based on assumptions when published may cause a severe damage to the producer as the film itself.
You may contact me any time through my PRO. Moreover, from my first film till date, my name appears only as Vijay in the title cards. So even in the upcoming times whenever there is a mention of my name, please let it be director Vijay. I would like to greet you all on the occasion of New Year and Pongal.
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